TOP 40-34
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#40 - Daryl Strawberry
Born: 12 Mar 1962 Los Angeles, CA
Marriages: Charisse
On the field, Daryl was a pretty clam person, although he did once punch Armando Benitez after Benitez hit Tino Martinez with a pitch. Plus, he had to deal with constant chants of "Daaaaaaaryyyyyllll" from fans during the late 80's and 90's. Off the field it only got worse. Daryl once told authorities that the cocaine they found wrapped in a bill in his wallet was his wife's uncle's AND that he must have left it in the glove box of Daryl's car. Not only that, but Straw also escaped from a drug rehabilitation center, breaking the terms of his probation. Recently, Daryl was thrown out of another rehab center because he violated rules like the one against sleeping with female workers at the center. After all that, who can argue with George Steinbrenner for wanting him to help the young kids in the Yankees organization when Daryl's house arrest ends in March.
#39 - Hulk Hogan
Born: 11 Aug 1953 Augusta, GA
Marriages: Linda
At the top of his game, Hulk Hogan was the freakin man in the WWF. Absolutely nobody could stop Hulkamania, not even superstars like Andre the Giant, Srgt. Slaughter, or Ric Flair. And who could forget quotes such as these: "lemme tell ya something, brother" or "with the training, the prayers, and the vitamins you too can be like the Hulkster" and, my all-time favorite, "what are you gonna do when these pythons come after youuuuuu." Hogan was also a five-time WWF champion. Then he went to WCW and suddenly aged 20 years. Either way, his Hulkamania days are not forgotten in this list.
#38 - The Hodulik Bros.
Marriages: none
Simply put, these boys do not know how to lose. Both Andrew and Alex, even though they have no more than two years experience on the mat, are lights out on other competitors. At practice, they are absolute animals to each other and to themselves. Alex, the younger of the two, sometimes refers to himself in the third person, which is simply awesome. Both of them regularly beg to do more running and exercise. Also, everyone knows when they enter the building because not only do they show up, but they are followed directly by their mom and two younger brothers in a parade-like pattern. They pass around the youngest one as if he was a piece of paper. They leave the mats with pins...just like the one they leveled on this Saddle Brook schlepp.
#37 - Mariah Carey
Born: 27 Mar 1970 New York City, NY
Marriages: Tommy Mottola (not current)
Before I start knocking her unstability, let me just say that I think she is one of the hottest women on this planet. Having said that, Mariah has been known to be a little off the deep end. Recently, she attempted to lose almost 25 pounds in 10 days for the Super Bowl. Throughout the past couple years, she has had to check into rehabilitation centers for exhaustion treament. She once said that the insipration for her "Butterfly" video came from a "weird dream" she had about chasing someone over a fence. Through her ups and down, one thing remains constant about her: she is f'n bangin'.
#36 - Tom Green
Born: 30 July 1971 Pembroke, Canada
Marriages: Drew Barrymore (not current)
If you thought this guy wasn't gonna make an appearance on this list, you were sorrowly mistaken. This man once fooled an entire Canadian city into thinking he was going to propose to Monica Lewinsky, when instead he introduced a line of new handbags. He has a TV show on MTV in which he does some of the funniest stuff of TV. Some think its lewd humor, but to me, it's humor. Speaking of humor, and things that rhyme with it, Tom found out a little while ago that he had a tumor on his scrodum. So, he decided, he had to have it taken out - on his show. Although it seems crazy, that show ended up saving some lives as kids began to regularly check for cancer "down there" and a couple found something. It was psychoatic enough to get him on this list.
#35 - "The Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin
Born: 22 Feb 1962 Victoria, Australia
Marriages: Terri
I'm not even going to bother to explain why this man is here. I am going to mention that he caught his first crocodile at age 9, when I tied my first shoelace. If you can't figure out why he's here, read his nickname again...........slowly......then do it again....
#34 - Dan Zito and dad
Born: ca. 1984 and 1950
Marriages: just Mr. and Mrs. Zito (one too many if you ask me)
Both Dan Zito, the wrestler, and his father, are certifiable psychopaths. Last year, as Frank Valente was beating the piss out of Dan on the mat, Zito decided to make it into a streetfight. When the ref saw this, he ejected Dan from the match, which any good ref would have done. Dan, who had obviously gotten up on the wrong side of the bed every day of his life, decided to kick one of the garbage cans almost 20 feet to show his disapproval of the call. Not surprisingly, Mr. Zito was not too fond of the call either. He came down from the stands and began to scream obscenities at the ref because he couldn't handle the fact that he and his son suck at life. He was ejected from the coplex and wrestling continued peacefully. He went home to his beautiful home on the left.

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