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#19 - Ulf Samuelsson
Born: 26 Mar 1964 Fagersta, Sweden
Marriages: Karen
Ufl has the honor of being the most penalized European player in the history of the NHL with 2,642 career penalty minutes. He revolutionized the defensive position by becoming one of the NHL's first "thugs." He adapted the position and made it so that people like Tie Domi, Ray Bourque, and Rob Blake could be more than just defensemen. Ulf also single-handedly ended the career of Cam Neely by hitting him and turning some of his left thigh muscle into bone. He had a career high 249 penalty minutes in 1992-93 season.

#18 - Carl Everett
Born: 3 June 1971 Tampa, FL
Marriages: none
Probably the most famous idiot on a baseball field right about now. Carl has no idea how to control himself when he gets angry. During the 2000 baseball season, an umpire informed Carl that his foot was outside of the batter's box (which it was). Carl took this criticism a little too personal and started a huge fight over it. While he was arguing with the umpire, he decided to headbutt him to really get his point across. It ended up that he was suspended and that only started things for Carl. Since then he has been suspended by his team for being late, fighting with the manager, and throwing bats on the field. He is now paired with #8 John Rocker on the Texas Rangers, so this profile should be updated daily with crazy stuff.
#17 - Matt Wixon
Born: 27 Jan 1983 Parts Unknown
Marriages: none
This one-man wrecking crew is a terror to all who he comes in contact with. He has served time in juvenile hall for possession of something (im not in a position to specualate). In a high school jayvee football game at St. Mary's, Matt took the ankle of a Mary's player while the two were in a pile and twisted it until the player screamed out in pain. During his first two high school football years, Matt lived at his regular house with his family. Unfortunately, during his junior year, he was evicted and moved in with Nick Delcalzo, the legendary football coach. When his football career at HHHS ended, "D" had had enough and kicked him out of his house. Matt now lives with his girlfriend, who is a junior at HHHS.
#16 - Bobby Knight
Marriages: Nancy
Simply put, Robert Montgomery Knight is the nuttiest man ever to be a successful coach. As successful as he is, he's even more unstable. The following are some examples of his antics over the last 20 or so years. He has: grabbed a player and threw him into his seat, kicked his son Patrick during a game, headbutted one of his players while screaming at him, got 3 technicals in a game (you get thrown out for 2), and clotheslined player Neil Reed during practice (this would eventually lead to him getting fired from Indiana University). He has also hit a Puerto Rican officer, fired a blank shot at a reporter, shoved an LSU fan into a garbage can, kicked a megaphone and yelled at Illinois cheerleaders during a game for taunting his player during a foul shot, called one Michigan coach a, "chicken sh*t S.O.B." and said that, "if rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it." In perhaps his most famous antic, he once threw a chair across the basketball floor as an opponent was preparing to take a technical free throw (guess who the tech was against). The chair almost hit the weelchair section of the Indiana stands.
#15 - Albert Belle
Born: 25 Aug 1966 Shreveport, LA
Marriages: none
Although overall Albert is more misunderstood than unstable, he has had his moments throughout his illustrious career. He once yelled at NBC reporter Hannah Storm before a playoff game because she wanted an interview. Albert had never been friendly with the media and once threw a baseball at a reporter. In a game one time, Fernando Vina (5' 10" 190 tops) of the Brewers was fielding a ground ball when Albert came along and absolutely ran him over. It was one of the uglier things ever done on a baseball field and really the reason Albert landed a spot on this list.
#14 - Rasheed Wallace
Born: 17 Sept 1974 Philadelphia, PA
Marriages: Fatima
Rasheed Wallace is the kind of unstable not found in many people. He just doesn't do things the normal way people would. For instance, at the press conference in which he announced his decision to go pro, he wore a North Carolina basketball shirt. Also, at his first press conference for the Portland TrailBlazers, he wore a t-shirt that said "F*ck what ya heard!" Also at UNC, he once wore Timberland boots in a practice. He set an NBA record last season with 41 technicals, including receiving one in the playoffs while he was on the bench. His unstable roots travel all the way back to high school, when he got thrown out of the McDonalds High School All-American game.
#13 - Tim Doherty
Marriages: Margarita
To be completely honest, you have to know this guy to understand how unstable he really is. Hearing his "cr*pped my pants at camp story" should be sufficient. Here's the story in short form: Young Tim is at camp and he cr*ps his pants after eating almost an entire watermelon. The next day the camp counselor smelled it. They're checking everyone's laundry and right before they are about to hit little Timmy's bag, they find another set of underpants with poop in them. Of course, Tim laughs at this child loudest of anyone and makes fun of him constantly. Then, one night, he takes his underwear and throw it into the woods. The moral: Don't cr*ap your pants. He also almost fought Rich DiFeo, a player on the HHHS football team he was coaching, and Lawrence Taylor.
#12 - Scott Farell
There really is no information on this guy. Me and Dan just knew him from "Farrell on the Bench," a sports show that used to air on WFAN 660 until Farrell got fired for doing something lewd, crude, or just plain stupid. That's basically why he's on here.
#11 - Theo Fluery
Born: 29 June 1968 Oxbrow, Canada
Marriages: Veronica
The following story should pretty much sum up why Theoron Fleury is on this list. After having a few (read: a lot of) drinks at a bar in downtown San Jose, after a game against the Sharks, Theo decided to take a walk through the streets. When a friend decided to go looking for him he found Theo's baseball cap and all of his clothes in a heap on the ground, near the entrance to a small park. Upon further investigation, the friend saw Theo lying on the ground screaming profanities at a black midget whom he had apparently tripped over.
#10 - Dennis Rodman
Born: 13 May 1961 Dallas, TX
Marriages: Carmen Electra (not current)
Lemme tell ya a little somethin about Dennis Rodman. As great a rebounder this guy was, and he was a great rebounder, I don't think I would have had him on my fantasy team just because of what he does off (and sometimes on) the court. He has headbutted John Stockton (in pre-season) and a referee. He has screamed explatives at Mormons in Utah during the 1997 NBA Finals. Dressed in a wedding gown for his marriage to Carmen. After going out of bounds under the basket after a rebound, Dennnis landed among some photographers. As he started to get up, Dennis got a bit tangled with one of the photographers and kicked him right where it hurts the most. He was suspended for 11 games and had to give the camera man 100,000.
#9 - Vince Neil
Born: 8 Feb 1961 Hollywood, CA
Marriages: Beth Lynn, Sharise, Heidi *none currenlty*
There are too many stories and too little room here to explain why Vince Neil is here. He smoked angeldust in his high school math class through a pen-looking pipe. He has smashed the glass door entrance to the Ritz Hotel. He has set off a flare in a hotel room with Tommy Lee. But, the one story that most explains why he's here is perahps his most tragic. Vince threw a party over 4 days at his house once where the booze and drugs were non-stop. As they were beginnning to run short, Vince went out to get some more. He was doing about 65 in a 25 M.P.H. zone when his car hit another one. The passenger in his car, Hannoi Rocks drummer Nicholas "Razzle" Dingley, was killed. The driver of the other car stayed in a coma for 4 weeks and the passenger suffered so much brain damage that he had to learn how to speak again. As for Vince, he came away from the accident pretty much unscaved, but it was reported that he had died (obviously untrue). He was sentenced to 30 days in jail, but ended up only doing 18 because of good behavior and had to do 200 hours of community service.
#8 - John Rocker
Born: 17 Oct 1974 Statesboro, GA
Marriages: none
I'm just gonna give you some of this man's most famous quotes. Here they are: "Imagine taking the 7 train to the ballpark looking like you're riding through Beirut next to some kid with purple hair next to some queer with AIDS right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids." "The biggest thing I don't like about New York are the foreigners. You can walk an entire block around Times Square and not here anyone speak English." "Look at this idiot. I bet she's a Japanese woman. How bad are Asian women at driving?" and personal favorite..."I'm not a prejudice person."
#7 - Tie Domi
Born: 1 Nov 1969 Windsor, Ontario
Marriages: Leanne
Man, do the Rangers need this guy back on the team or what? This guy is the master at protecting someone like an Eric Lindros. He'll go after anyone he wants to, including fans. In one game against the Flyers, he was sitting in the penalty box and getting tormented by the fans. He turned and squirted water up into the stands. One fan took it personally and tried to climb into the penalty box with Domi. Domi didn't try to stop him, instead he began to get into it with the fan, and they had to be separated by referees and other fans. Domi once got 49 minutes of penalties in one game and, later this year, will become only the seventh man with more than 3,000. His career high was 365 in 97-98. Last year, as the seconds of a playoff game against the Devils ticked down, Domi nailed Scott Neidermaier with a vicious elbow that kept Scotty out of the rest of the playoffs. Domi was suspended 11 games.
#6 - Kyle Turley
Born: 24 Sep 1975 Moreno Valley, CA
Marriages: Kelly
If you missed what he did in the game against the Jets this past year, then you might be wondering what exactly he is on this list for. Well, lemme tell you what happened in that game. As the Saints were driving near the goaline, the QB, Aaron Brooks, took a bootleg to about the 4 yard line. Jets saftey Damien Robinson, who only one week before was found to have a gun hidden in his truck as he entered the Jets stadium, took the facemask of Brooks and tried to decapitate him. A melee ensued and Turley decided that one good deed deserves another, so he ripped the helmet off of Robinson and threw it almost 15 yards down the field. If that wasn't enough, he then gave the entire crowd OF SAINTS FANS the "one finger salute." (little known fact: was a California high school state champ wrestler)

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